International Academy of Sciences "Problems of Intellectual Development"


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Academic Personnel Cadastre Gallery of Persons of Intellectual Labor

                                           International Academy of Sciences

                                       “Problems of intellectual development”

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     International Academy of Sciences: "Problems of Intellectual Development" 

Full proper name in Russian:

 International Academy of Sciences "Problems of Intellectual Development"


   Full proper name in English:  International Academy of    Sciences “Problems of intellectual development”  


Abbreviated company name in Russian transliteration MAN PIR

Abbreviated company name in Latin transliteration IAS PID

International Academy of Sciences "Problems of Intellectual Development"

 (MAN PIR or IAS PID ) :
  is a self-governing entity in the management structure as part of the International Scientific and Technical Society of Instrument Makers and Metrologists as an independent structural entity of the Coordinating Council of the MNTO PM



 Status of the International Academyof Sciences (IAS PIR/IAS PID)


  MAN PIR / IAS PID has the status of an international, non-governmental polyfunctional multi-level public association.




  More about the Conceptual provisions and principles of the creation and functioning of the International Academy of Sciences (IAS PIRIAS PID )

(Statute of IAS PIR IAS PID , Minutes of the meeting of the General Assembly )



Diagram 1

Diagram 2 Diagram 4  

Diagram 3








 The supreme governing bodies of the International Academy of Sciences (IAS PIR / IAS PID) are:  

  • Author's and Academic Councils;
  • Presidium and President,
  • Rector of the Open Academic University Complex 

Vagif N. Namazov , a well-known scientist of the national higher school, the founder of a scientific school in the field of metaknowledge, system analysis and didactics of higher education, career guidance and career adaptation, author of scientific papers, laureate of All-Russian Competitions of scientific grants in  in the field of pedagogy of higher education (1998-2005), professor at the MATI-RGTU. K.E. Tsiolkovsky, scientific supervisor of the team of developers of socially important academic initiatives (SSI) IAS PID , who has many years of experience in organizing and conducting scientific research in the interests of improving the quantitative and qualitative indicators of higher professional education.



         Institute of Plenipotentiary Representatives of the President of the IAS PIR / IAS PID








The International Academy of Sciences ( IAS PIR / IAS PID)   was founded by individuals - citizens of the Russian Federation who are carriers and (or) owners   of property and (or) non-property exclusive and (or) non-exclusive copyright and (or) related rights to objects of intellectual and creative labor (works of science, literature and art, including computer programs and databases) created as a result of their creative work, containing new scientific views, ideas, knowledge, solutions and recorded on various media) .


The profit  of the International Academy of Sciences (IAS PIR / IAS PID ) received as a result of the total activities (IAS PIR / IAS PID ) , in accordance with its Charter, is not distributed among the founders, but is directed to achieve the strategic goals and program objectives proclaimed by its founders.


International Academic Company ( MAN PIR / IAS PID) :

  productively cooperates with domestic and foreign individuals and legal entities (business entities), regardless of the form of ownership and their national and religious affiliation.                    


   can have in countries near and far abroad. branched structure



The International Academy  (IAS PIR/IAS PID)  adheres to the principle of full transparency (absolute transparency) in relations with Social Partners and authorities of Russia, countries of near and far abroad .

Extracts from the Federal Laws of Russia and organizational and legal documents on the issues of regulatory regulation of the activities of non-governmental organizations in Russia and in the countries of near and far abroad


       More about the activities of the Representatives of the President  IAS PID

    Institute of Plenipotentiary Representatives of the President of the IAS PIR / IAS PID












The International Academy of Sciences ( IAS PIR / IAS PID)   was founded by individuals - citizens of the Russian Federation who are carriers and (or) owners   of property and (or) non-property exclusive and (or) non-exclusive copyright and (or) related rights to objects of intellectual and creative labor (works of science, literature and art, including computer programs and databases) created as a result of their creative work, containing new scientific views, ideas, knowledge, solutions and recorded on various media) .


The profit  of the International Academy of Sciences (IAS PIR / IAS PID ) received as a result of the total activities (IAS PIR / IAS PID ) , in accordance with its Charter, is not distributed among the founders, but is directed to achieve the strategic goals and program objectives proclaimed by its founders.



Interaction with state, regional and local authorities

Financial and economic aspects of the implementation of programs (projects) and activities carried out by IAS PID together with the Social Partners: domestic and foreign legal entities and individuals

MAN PIR / IAS PID , may have a controlling stake (share of ownership) .

The controlling interest in the share (ownership share) of MAN PIR / IAS PID in all our joint projects can be represented in the total composition of the Joint Fund   in the amount of at least 51%.

Understanding that the financing of programs (projects) and activities in the interests of supporting and developing science and education is a rather difficult task for intellectual workers, IAS PID offers business and entrepreneurial circles, banking and business structures, as well as all those who own and bear copyright on intellectual property objects to become a partner and/or lender of IAS PID projects in order to achieve mutually beneficial cooperation in the implementation of our joint global and local investment projects More ... .

We are ready to offer our future partners and creditors, for the implementation of programs , if necessary, suiting them  

the option of redistributing our share (share        of ownership) in a specific project, up to the transfer to them of    a blocking stake (25% plus one share) of the project they are interested in More ... .   


   Our proposals:
In order to ensure the equal participation of domestic and foreign legal entities and individuals in the implementation of programs to support and promote socially important academic initiatives (SIAS), we are ready to immediately sign the relevant agreements and other necessary documents, including the "Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation" and "Accession Agreement" in the wording agreed with our real Social Partners. We are also ready to work under the no-collateral Program for financing programs (projects) and events of the IAS PIR / IAS PID



















authorized socially important academic initiatives in the form of original scientific works, programs and projects







authorized socially important academic initiatives in the form of original scientific works, programs and projects



authorized socially important academic initiatives in the form of original scientific works, programs and projects

Express c- news IAS PID



Welcome to IAS PID












Happy New Year 2024! Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, our Young Friends - on behalf of the leadership of the International Academy of Sciences, we welcome all of you to the pages of our Web Portal (; and invite you to participate in the creative implementation of programs (projects) and activities aimed at supporting people of intellectual labor and promoting authorized socially important academic initiatives in socio-economic practice in the interests of the speedy resolution of the key problems of world civilization, generated by the modern phase of the development of human society. With respect and hope for cooperation, Vagif N. Namazov, Professor, President of IAS PID

Mission of the International Academy of Sciences:


Create new opportunities for interactive information and communication interaction between people of intellectual and creative work, business and entrepreneurial circles, banking structures and businesses, as well as with representatives of government and management. Creation VS Destruction More ... .

Happy New Year 2024! The Presidium, Authors and Academic Councils of the International Academic Community IAS PID cordially welcomes and congratulates the students, administration, teaching and parent staff of the comprehensive school No. 1489 with in-depth study of individual subjects (Moscow, SZAO, Mitino) Happy New Year 2024!<span> </span></font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">The award of the Prize of the President of the Russian Federation for outstanding achievements obliges you to maintain a high level and quality of education!<span> </span></font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">New achievements and creative achievements, good mood to the entire staff of our flagship school (Educational Center No. 1489) Sincerely yours, President of the IAS PIR / IAS PID, Scientific Director of the Institute "Higher Pedagogical School" President of the IAS PIR / IAS PID, Professor of MATI-RGTU Namazov V .N.</font></font>
Our capabilities and resources to achieve the Goals and Objectives defined by the founders in the Charter of the Academy:

Implementation of large-scale projects and actions in the field of production, science, education, culture and entrepreneurship at the transnational, subregional and local levels.

Development of infrastructure for the implementation of authorized socially important academic initiatives (programs, projects and events) in the field of production, science, education, culture and entrepreneurship at the transnational, subregional and local levels.

Promoting and supporting processes that contribute to the early detection, preservation and advanced development of intellectual and creative abilities, individual talents, including the younger generation.

Implementation of programs (projects) and activities in the interests of supporting and facilitating processes that promote information and communication interaction between people of intellectual and creative work with representatives of government and administration, business and entrepreneurial circles, banking structures and businesses

   More ... .

Dear colleagues and our dear young friends, IAS PIR/IAS PID welcomes you to its Web-site!

 International Scientific and Technical Society of Instrument Makers and Metrologists (ISTO PM) and  International Academy of Sciences

"Problems of Intellectual Development" ( IAS PID )

invite YOU to take part in solving the key problems generated by the current phase of the development of the world community:

Poverty and unemployment, functional and elementary illiteracy, personal and public safety, illness, alcoholism, substance abuse, child and adolescent homelessness and crime, etc.

Dear Colleagues and Dear Young Friends Welcome to IAS PIR/IAS PID on its Web site

Authorized Virtual Academic Cadastre (AVAK)

"The World Intellectual Personnel Elite in the 21st Century"

Personalized electronic academic register of the Laureates of the  IAS PID Competition   in the nomination :

 "Intellectually advanced personnel elite of Russia, near and far abroad countries in the 21st century";

 "1000 best firms and companies of the year in the science-intensive sphere of social production";

"1000 elite firms and companies of the year in the field of social and psychological and pedagogical support, biomedical and environmental protection of the population" ...


More ... .

Welcome to MAN PIR/IAS PID on its website

Dear colleagues and dear young friends, by its decision, the Presidium of the IAS PIR / IAS PID found it expedient to come up with an initiative proposal aimed at creating an e-mechanism in the structure of the international academic community that helps to identify the most creatively capable Persons of intellectual and creative work - subjects of knowledge who are bearers and holders of copyright and related rights to objects of intellectual and creative labor (OIP) and providing them directly with feasible economic and legal support and carrying out a set of measures for psychological, pedagogical, scientific and informational support of their professional and creative and creative activities.

To this end, we plan to hold an annual Academic Competition among domestic and foreign legal entities and individuals at the transnational, subregional and local levels in order to determine the 1000 most intellectually advanced companies (firms) that most fully contribute to satisfying the consumer demand of the population for high-quality products (goods , works and services), make a significant contribution to the solution of the key problems generated by the modern phase of the development of world civilization. IAS PID owns the exclusive right to publish the authorized Academic Personnel Inventory. According to the decision of the Authors and Academic Councils of the International Academic Community ( IAS PID ) dated May 05, 2006:

- Laureates and prize-winners of the Academic Competition will be included in the personalized register of the Authorized Academic Personnel Cadastre  IAS PID .

- Information about successes and achievements in knowledge-intensive areas of human activity, along with Information about the potential opportunities of each winner of the Academic Competition, will be placed in the IAS PID database for prompt access to them. 

We are waiting for your active and proactive participation both on the E-pages of our information portal: Moscow Search Engine "GMSTAR.RU", and on the pages of the Information and Educational Magazine "Megapolis Navigator", published by the Social Partner of IAS PID, the Publishing House "Global Media Star " , which provides information support in the implementation of network programs (projects) and IAS PID events .  ( http ) _

The Presidium of the International Academic Community ( IAS PID ) is ready to consider from domestic and foreign producers and consumers (companies, firms, business circles, business and banking structures, business entities, scientific and educational teams and schools, cultural and educational organizations and institutions, as well as individuals intellectual and creative work) initiative proposals on entering into the database of the international academic community ( IAS PID ) information about successful activities in the domestic and international professional labor markets. 

Your personal and (or) collective author's conceptual ideas and scientific views, achievements of experience and scientific thought, creative solutions and successes that contribute to solving the key problems of the human community at the present stage of development of world civilization after passing the appropriate procedure for public attestation and certification in the system of the international academic community IAS PID may become public knowledge.

As the business to which you have devoted your energy and creativity flourishes or is just beginning to unfold, you certainly have that special zest that distinguishes your achievements from competitors.

Hurry up to submit your proposals for entering this information into the personalized academic Register of Authors' Works IAS PID ) . 

                                                       Express support of the subject of knowledge/Social Partners IAS PID/

South Korean Company " Water Treatment System " Republic of Korea, Seoul )

South Korean Company "ChungPung" Co.Ltd (Republic of Korea, Seoul);  

South Korean Holding Company ""Aekyung Group"" Indastrial CO. Ltd (South Korea, Seoul);

South Korean Company Free From Fire (FFF) "BLAHNNA"" Inc Republic of Korea, Seoul ) 

Moscow State Industrial University (Russia, Moscow, MGIU);

Interuniversity Faculty of advanced training and professional retraining of the teaching staff of universities

Social Partner IAS PID /

Associated School IAS PID Advanced

 study of individual profile subjects and

     lyceum classes No. 1327

    (Russia, Moscow, Mitinograd)

South Korean Company


  ( Republic of Korea, Seoul)

South Korean Company

   Ginseng Science Inc.

    (Republic of Korea, Seoul)

Our Social Partners in the countries of near and far abroad :

Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the Russian Federation (Russia, Moscow);

Embassy of the Republic of Korea in the Russian Federation (Russia,


Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Korea (RK, Seoul) Russian-Korean Cultural Information Service in Moscow

Korean National Academy of Science and Technology / The Korean Academy of Science and Technology (KAST)



Work and Tutor Courses for teaching in higher education.




© IAS PID , 1996-2024 - Rights reserved under international copyright law. Links to the IAS PID Web site are required when using IAS PID materials .



Web sites:


IAS PID/MAN PIR | Forum for VIP Partners | Iaspid.Org | Everything for on -line interaction | Non-smoking club  


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Copyright © 1996-2024 I aspid.Org . All Rights Reserved. International Academy of Sciences “Problems of intellectual development” Phone + 7 (495) 6 25-63-33;   Fax + 7 (495) 6 25-73-23 ; E-mail:



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